Straight Line Quilting on the Longarm Using Rulers!

We promised you a beginner level straight line quilting on the longarm tutorial and here it is!

In today’s video I show you how I used rulers to create straight lines that are exactly one-inch apart and perfectly straight every time.

I know some of you may be asking why I don’t just use channel locks and there’s three reasons …

First, your leaders have to be rolled perfect straight. Mine aren’t, never have been probably never will.

Second, you have to have loaded your quilt on perfectly straight, also a high chance for human error.

Last, you have to trust that all of your piecing was also perfectly straight. Can any of us every trust that? I’m pretty darn accurate and I don’t.

But using rulers allows you to make adjustments as you go to keep your lines nice and uniform while allowing for any minor inconsistencies you might encounter. Enjoy!

And don’t forget to check out the piecing video for this quilt at this link:

And we still have Garden Plot kits available in my fabric collection Nocturne! You can grab one at this link:

The pattern is available separately in my book Fat Quarter Workshop. You can grab a signed copy at this link:

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