Perfect pattern for collections with lots of light prints! Cross & Dot

We realized we’ve only featured one of the patterns in my new book “Fat Quarter Patchwork Quilts” since it came out last fall! So we decided to remedy that today by creating new kits for Cross & Dot.

I designed this pattern to be used with fabric collections that have a lot of light value prints. This often happens when fabric companies are trying to save money by reusing the screens during the printing process by creating the same print in two or three different colorways.

Also many of the fabric designers are not quilters and don’t always understand that beautiful prints with light backgrounds are really hard to use if you also have a light background fabric because the design gets lost and the block doesn’t stand out.

Cross & Dot fixes that by using the light value prints in the block center, the medium value prints surrounding that and separating it from the light background and finally ending with dark points.

The result is a quilt pattern that you can use every fat quarter in, and still have a very defined block that looks fabulous.

Grab a signed copy of my book Fat Quarter Patchwork Quilts:
Cross & Dot Quilt Kits (limited quantities):
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