Tutorial: Turn your ugly sweaters into adorable mittens

This tutorial is an oldie but a goodie. It has received nearly 56,000 views on YouTube and almost 500 thumbs up.

Long before Quilt Addicts Anonymous became a full fledged business, I used to raid thrift stores for ugly sweaters, take them home and turn them into adorable mittens to sell at craft fairs. They were a big hit and everyone loved them.

When the blog started to turn more into a business, I put the craft fairs aside and made this tutorial instead, offering the pattern for sale so you all could learn to make your own. I no longer have mitten kits available, but I am pretty sure you can find a good candidate in your own sweater drawer.

It doesn’t matter if you use 100% wool, cotton or acrylic sweaters, this will work with all of them. The only requirement is that the sweater have long sleeves and that the wrist be tight. The cuff of the wrist becomes the cuff of the mitten, so a ribbed sleeve is best so it isn’t floppy.

But that’s it. You just need fleece, an ugly sweater and the pattern, which you can get right here. Once you get the pattern, you can make them for about $5 a pair, which is a really good price for holiday gifts. And you can make one pair in about an hour, so you can get a lot made between now and the holidays.

If you make a pair, be sure to share them on Instagram and use the hashtag #quiltaddictsanonymous so I can see your fabulous ugly sweater transformations!

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Comment (21)

  1. I have enjoyed watching you video, now I would like the pattern. I am having trouble finding it like Barb. thanks.

  2. I am trying to get your ugly mitten pattern to download, but i’m not finding it. Would you please email it to me?
    Thank you.

    1. How do I get the pattern? I cannot find it online… and the download buttons bring me to something else….. Thank you!


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