Intro to Garment Sewing – Simple Pull-On Skirt – Transferring the Body Measurements to the Fabric

It’s time to start working on our first garment, the Simple Pull-on Skirt! This is a very easy garment pattern with no templates or curves. We’re just going to cut a rectangle or three depending on your hip measurement and start sewing.

Stephanie Brennan is going to show you how to use your body measurements to figure out how wide and long your skirt panels need to be to create skirt that is 1.5 times your hip measurement around.

There is a little bit of math involved, but nothing too complicated. Plus we give you all the equations and yardage requirements in the free pattern to go with this skirt. But if you are stumped, feel free to reach out in the comments or at

At 1.5 times your hip measurement, the skirt will give you enough sway to look cute and move freely, plus be able to the elastic waist up over your hips with no need for zippers or buttons.

Stephanie Brennan made a bunch of these for the Quilt Addicts Anonymous daughters from Anna Maria Horner’s Vivacious in Cotton Lawn. They turned out super cute and flowy. But the pattern instructions include adults as well, so this skirt will work for all ages.

Just a reminder that if you haven’t already, make sure to watch our intro videos so you know what supplies and fabric you need, plus how to measure your body.

You’ll need to know your accurate hip and waist measurement for today’s video. You can catch up on the Intro to Garment Sewing class page:

Make sure you grab one or both of the skirt patterns we will be making in the Intro to Garment Sewing course.
Simple Pull-On Skirt:
Simple A-Line Skirt:

And shop our current fabrics that will work for sewing a skirt:
Garment Fabric:

You can shop all of our recommended garment fabric notions here:

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Comment (1)

  1. Your instructions are so easy to follow the only problem I is trying to find your PDF files you say are free to make things I have a very hard time looking for them I have to run your video a dozen times before I get my object finished so sometimes I just give up go back to it later then I loss your video so I’m stuck cause I can’t find it or don’t have the PDF printed out sorry this is how I feel but I love the videos you do a great job with instructions in the videos


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