How to Sew a Double-Fold Hem – Intro to Garment Sewing – Simple A-Line Skirt

In this video we’re going to wrap up the Simple A-Line Skirt series with a video on sewing a double-fold hem.

We’ve already covered this technique in our Simple Pull-On Skirt segment, but we are taking it a step up in this video by covering how to make adjustments if your waist to knee measurement is different in the front and back of your body.

Stephanie Brennan will talk you through how to mark both measurements on your skirt so the hem will be parallel to the ground when you are wearing it.

While this is the last how-to video, we do have two more planned for you in this series. We’ll wrap up with videos on additional resources to learn more about garment sewing and a show-and-tell of garments the Quilt Addicts Anonymous team has made from quilting cotton.

Make sure you grab one or both of the skirt patterns we will be making in the Intro to Garment Sewing course.
Simple Pull-On Skirt:
Simple A-Line Skirt:

And shop our current fabrics that will work for sewing a skirt:
Garment Fabric:

You can shop all of our recommended garment fabric notions here:

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