Upcycled Sweaters Mittens Tutorial & PDF Pattern – 12 Makes of Christmas 2021

Today’s video is very special to me. This Christmas, I am taking my late grandma’s sweaters and turning them into mittens for the women in my family to enjoy and remember her by. I believe it will be a very thoughtful and heartfelt gift as we celebrate our first Christmas without her.

This project was one of our first tutorials and patterns and I remade the video for this year’s 12 Makes of Christmas. The project makes a great gift and you don’t have to use a special sweater. You can raid your closet or Goodwill for something that will work and have an inexpensive gift you can make in an afternoon.

I used to make these to sell at craft fairs and would be able to make one pair in an hour for about $5. The uglier the sweater, the cuter the mitten, you just need to make sure you choose a pair that has a ribbed sleeve because we’ll use that as a mitten cuff.

You also can use any fiber content, it doesn’t have to be wool, acrylic will work just fine. The pattern is a PDF on our website, so you can get it, and start cutting up those sweaters right away to get your DIY holiday crafting done long before Christmas Eve.

Get the pattern: https://shop.quiltaddictsanonymous.com/product/upcycled-sweater-mitten-pattern/

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