Easy Charm Pack Quilt Pattern! Make Charm Squared with just 2 charm packs and background fabric!

Charm Squared is one of our most popular patterns, but we are just now getting around to making a video on it. Quilters love it because you can make it with just two charm packs and some background yardage and it is super easy.

You just make a bunch of half square triangles, put them together and you’ve got this fun, quick quilt. And since you just need two 5-inch charm packs, this is a great way to use up some of the charm packs you have been collecting.

Supplies we used:
Charm Squared pattern: https://shop.quiltaddictsanonymous.com/product-tag/charm-squared-pattern/
Olfa Deluxe 45MM Ergo Rotary Cutter: https://shop.quiltaddictsanonymous.com/product/deluxe-45mm-ergo-rotary-cutter/

Check out more from Quilt Addicts Anonymous …
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